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Road To Monetization: 750 Subscriber Milestone!

Infiniti, it's 10 pm, what are you doing???

So, today has been really productive regarding that long 'To-Do' list that I made on the 1st of June. What I'm really excited to share is that I was featured in one of my favorite crochet Youtuber's live streams today, Alysha from Littlejohn's Yarn. It's always super endearing when this happens and the shy girl in me  surfaces, inevitably!

On June 6th, she featured 20+ black crochet creators in her video and decided I belonged on that list. This was her way of shining light on black creators that we may not have heard of which I found to be totally amazing for many reasons. We all know that the crochet community is vast and diverse and beautiful. People from around the world show amazing talent and kindness with their crafts and that is amazing too! 

In light of everything going on, there is a grand under representation of black persons who crochet. In my personal experience, when I was learning to crochet, there weren't really many videos that featured anyone from my culture. Most of the youtubers that I had for instruction were older white women. Nothing wrong with that but, you had to wonder if anyone who looked like you did the craft. 

I personally follow makers from all cultures and ethnicities, I just think this was an awesome gesture to promote black culture in business. I'll be linking the livestream to this blog post because there are a LOT of talented p.o.c. crafters out there!

I digress... where was I? Ah yes. 

Many of you may recall that back in March I wrote a blog about my road to monetization on YouTube. At that time, I had 635 subscribers and 915 hours of watch time, I was pretty content! Fast forward, as of June 6th, I have hit 768 subscribers and 1205 hours of watch time... y'all. 

So a HUGE midwestern thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far and to Alysha, this has been a real boost.

Fortunately, I have hashed out and decided on what I want to give out as prizes for my give away this go around and I look forward to revealing that in July!

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