We can all agree that 2020 wasn’t an ideal year. Some of us had greater dumpster fires that others and almost nothing went as planned (for better or for worse). I am grateful for the goals that were reached this year and I am also looking forward to the prospects of the new year.
Incidentally, after I posted 2020's list, I hit 20 Etsy Sales and I also achieved YouTube monetization.
Here are my new goals for 2021:
Launch ICC Website
I am launching this website next year regardless to any other budget I may have. I've been putting off my ambitions for far too long in lieu of other necessities however, that will be no more. I am a huge believer in diving into things and maneuvering in faith and this is going to be another one of those things. If the Lord wants me to float, I'll make back my expenses by the time my annual bill is up. This year has virtually brought me to my knees in frustration for the lack of growth in some areas and that is in part due to not being able to properly brand myself. I am adamant about 2021 being the year of success. Not knocking the blessings of 2020 but I do strive for more. I wrote a blog earlier this month about my decision to reduce my Etsy shop because my website is more important. I will still make my patterns available over there but at a much slower rate than on my site.
Successfully launch the Hey Craftepreneur! Podcast
As I write this post on December 11th, I have already recorded two episodes of Hey Craftepreneur! One episode is already uploaded and ready to go for release on January 14th, 2021. By now, I have alerted my email list and my broader audience of the launch of my new podcast which will follow my business developments going forward as well as offer advice to hopeful craftepreneurs. The pilot episode is set at $5 in my Ko-fi shop to help cover the $12 /month SoundCloud platform fee for unlimited audio. Currently, I’m on the free plan which allows for 180 minutes of audio.
I got the idea to do this podcast over the summer of 2020 and I thought it’d be a fun way for me to not only give my advice but also raise funds for Infiniti Crafting Company. Not only do you gain access to this podcast when you purchase it but, you also get access to supporter exclusive content on my Ko-fi blog. You’ll also have fun knowing that Ko-fi supporters gain access FIRST to this podcast. SoundCloud is my free access platform and will get the new episodes when my schedule allows for it. As I run out of space on Ko-fi, I’ll start to release the older podcast episodes on this website’s shop. I’m still contemplating it but, 2022 may bring the older podcast episodes to my YouTube channel.
This latter end is my current plan but is subject to change.
Do More Channel Chats
Channel Chats at Infiniti Crafting Co. are an informal kind of podcast that I do for YouTube. I typically only do them when I have new developments or if I’m addressing an important cause. In 2020, I participated in Vlogust (good God) and I enjoyed it despite receding back into my introverted ways. As 2021 advances, there are bound to be a great many developments I’ll want to report to my community on. For example, I’m going to have to make an announcement soon on my recent monetization. That’ll be part of Channel Chat 77!
My audience is swiftly growing at a rate that I certainly didn’t foresee, and I couldn’t be happier! Believe it or not, the responses of my community inspire me to do more content and in that, I’d like to be more present.
Update TeeSpring Merch
I’m going to be pretty candid about this. 2020 was a financial dumpster fire that lead to a great deal of frustration and sadness for me. On top of that, school deadlines were coming in left and right, so I put TeeSpring on the back burner. Again, I’d like to drive more emphasis toward the platform this coming year and try to bring in some profit from it. I need to complete my Zodiac series and then I want to design merch for Hey Craftepreneur!. Many of you have probably already seen my t-shirt (which I’m extremely proud of) and I just want to let you know that I’ll have more than just tees with the Hey Craftepreneur! branding on it.
Make My First $100 on YouTube
I’m writing this blog on December 11, 2020, I’ve been monetized since November 30, 2020 and I’ve already made $69. So, I’m going to assume on this night that 2020 will grant me this accomplishment. However, I figured it’d be a waste of perfectly good graphics just to remake my checklist so here we are. I’m going to throw an oddball number out there and just aim to make $1500 by December 2021. I think that’s a fair estimate. Over time, I look forward to my channel paying off because of the debt amassed over the last couple of years while brand building. I want to wiggle out of that and 300+ videos later, I now see it possible. Please excuse my inaudible “squeeing” for the next … month or so. Ahem…
Write 2 Blogs Per Month
I think I’ve been doing pretty well this year in writing at least…once per month. To be honest, in the beginning I felt awkward and shy about it, uncertain of whether people would want to read what I think about and whether I was good enough at writing to even blog. Again, I believe in jumping in on certain things in faith and 2020 has given me the free time I haven’t had since 2012-2016 when I didn’t go to high school. Because of this, I have been able to put myself out on the internet as a writer of sorts. I’ve been complimented on my writing style a lot this year so, I suppose I’m more than mediocre…I suppose.
I’m rather fond of writing though and now that I’m older with a niche and specific objective, I feel that hobby resurfacing. I want to push out more blog content for my audience, not just for affiliate revenue but, to continue practicing transparency with my ideas regarding my brand.
Establish My LLC
This is the goal that I have been after since 2015. It is my most desired accomplishment and the one I am most afraid of. I’ve studied quite a bit of business-related topics on my own and have even taken business classes in school yet there is still this uncertainty in my mind that makes me fearful. I’m definitely going to step out on faith with this one. The way I see it is that 2020 was my first year of actively working my brand and by nearly every standard, I failed. I don’t think that I can tank much worse than this honestly and if for some reason I fail beyond comprehension after formation, I can just close it down.
I’m very optimistic though about my goals and this will be the thing that will make these last 5 (almost 6) years of effort worth it.
Anxieties aside, I know that this is something I need to do to keep my dreams growing so, I plan on setting this into motion in October 2021. I’m not sure why but, I’ve always wanted to have my establish date in October… anyhoo.
This completes my list of goals and thoughts for 2021. I hope that you all will continue to grow with me as I embark upon my entrepreneurial journey!
Fun Fact: Making up the title for my podcast has caused me to learn how to spell “entrepreneur” correctly. 😅