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Merry Christmas Crafties!

It's been a long day here for me but I wanted to be sure and wish you all a merry Christmas! I often say that this is an optimal time of the year to sit and reflect on all the goodness and mercies of the Lord. Of course we're grateful all year long but, I especially like that at the end of the year everything slows down. There's nothing to watch or really engage with that would otherwise distract from deep thought, reflection, and study. Many of us are blessed to be around family during the day, sure. But throughout the day, it's really easy to pick out little blessings to be grateful for.

Recently, a lot of those little reminders have been flooding my thoughts and when I truly look at it, I thank God for the life that has developed and the road he's placed me on in this life. Usually for me, this mode of thought takes me through the better part of January. Mostly because of the relationship I've built with Jesus and His goodness that has rung true in my life.

What are some of the things that remind you of the grace and mercy of God in your life? Or why do you celebrate Christmas? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

As a side note, I mentioned that I'd be doing a video today on the channel (like I do every year). I recorded in the morning and I neglected to hit the render button so alas, here we are tonight lol. It'll air at 9:30pm CST.

Merry Christmas y'all and Happy Making!

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