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My Favorite Crochet & Knitting Books!

You'd be surprised to find out that I'm not a magical craft being with endless stitch knowledge... I know, I know... so disappointing. In fact, many of your favorite designers are also normal human beings who rely on other sources to enhance their craft knowledge. That's just human nature though!

That's the beauty of creation, we're made to naturally learn from one another's experiences in order to grow and crafting is no different. Even us self-taught people have had to refer to YouTube University or other places one in a while.

Today I want to tell you guys about some of my favorite crochet and knitting books that I refer to for new techniques for patterns and such. I made a little video on this topic back in August 2020 as a part of Vlogust.

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This book is number 1 on my list for a few reasons, it is my absolute favorite.I've gifted it, I've recommended it, I use it to this day! One of the main reasons I recommend this stitch book so heavily is because it is SO beginner friendly. It gives in depth explanations and graphics of crochet methods, explains hooks, and provides abbreviations!

If you're trying to learn pattern reading or if you're new to crochet, yet not fond of videos, this book may be right for you.

This book was a big help in teaching me to read Tunisian crochet charts! Usually one cannot go wrong with crochet books from Leisure Arts. My only complaint here is that most of the stitches are only identified by number. Maybe it's no big deal but, I love to be able to name my stitches. None the less, this is a pretty good booklet for pattern reading skill!

Tunisian Crochet: Basic & Textured Stitches - Vol. 1-3

I only own Vol. 1 at the moment but this book was the first guide for Tunisian Crochet that I'd ever purchased. It includes abbreviations, basic Tunisian crochet techniques, and 50 Tunisian crochet stitches! It's also really easy to follow along with.

Again, you can't go wrong with Leisure Arts! This is the first crochet book that I'd bought EVER. I remember it like yesterday, being at the back of a Michael's yarn section in 2018 wanting to further my stitch knowledge...ah...nostalgia. I love the variety this book has to offer and the instructions are also incredibly clear.

I've said many times that I'm not an avid knitter. You can tell by the ratio of my written knit patterns to crochet ones 😂. What can I say, knitting wasn't my first love, it took me a full 2 years after I began to crochet to get the hang of knitting and let some tell it, I still don't do it right. You'd think I'd have given it up by now but, I do actually like to knit.

For those of you trying to learn, this book is full of wonderfully explained stitches ranging from your standard knit/purls to more advanced methods, like cables.

This gem is new to my collection but I can say that I already like it. The pages and instructions are short, sweet, and to the point! It's also full of easy to follow visuals so if you're looking to spruce up your knitting cast on/bind off techniques, this is a great book for that!

Do you have any favorite craft books? If so, comment below!

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