I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone here.

I started up my new #Instagram page back in July for a number of reasons. You know the deal, better branding, targeted reach, engagement... Probably one of the most personal reasons is that I felt very, very little support for what I was doing in my personal circle. So I took a chance and cast out a new line in the form of a branded page and you all have shown me a tremendous amount of love in such a short time. It was the best thing I could have done for both my brand and my mental health!
I started Infiniti Crafting Company's IG in July of 2020 and in that short time, I feel like I've built an awesome community of 300+ Crafties. I am grateful for the many opportunities this year has blessed me with that allowed me to learn and grow as a small craftepreneur.
Speaking of insane growth, my @YouTube community is skyrocketing beyond my expectations. About a week ago, I wanted to make a 2020 meme out of my analytics but, I missed that mark and caught my subscriber count at 2021 instead. Fast forward to now, I have over 2200 subscribers and there are a LOT of comments flowing in which I'm getting around to slowly but surely. Just wow!
2021 is going to bring about a lot of new opportunities and I can't wait to share them with everyone!
🧶🎆Happy New Year and Happy Making Crafties!🎆🧶