Hey Crafty's it's been awhile since the last time I talked about an ongoing project. I'm so excited to share with you this design that I started back in 2021. This pocket shawl pattern was inspired by well...autumn! At the time pocket shawls were really trending on the internet and I thought that it would be a great idea to try my hand at knitting one. It proved to be a lot more complicated than I thought in some ways and easier than others. At the end of the day though this project took a back
seat to the birthday sweater that I was working on for the upcoming month of November. Here in 2022 I decided to give this project another go because I really enjoyed the mechanics of figuring out how I wanted to incorporate the pocket and how I wanted to incorporate my favorite knitting stitch, the cable. As you can see in my sample pictures I have made some pretty great progress when I picked this back up, I was about a fourth of the way through it and now I am just over halfway through. I was filled with insurmountable joy when I tested it on my own body because I realized how far along I was. It feels like I've been working on this project forever but, nonetheless it is a labor of love. It's one of those projects were you just have to work on it during the fall. I mean look at these colors now look out your window, now look back at these colors. See what I mean?
So you might be wondering at this point what all has gone into this project. Well so far I have used seven balls of Lion Brand's Wool Ease Thick & Quick.
When I started this project I was thinking that it would be a great opportunity for some affiliate stuff ,you know, for funding the website and all that. Anywhoo, once I am done with this project I will seek out yarn equivalents because at the time this yarn was a lot less expensive than it is now. And if you're like me it's it's been a struggle financially, but I still want people to be able to make this pattern that is so full of texture and wonder.
I used a 12.5 mm pair of circular knitting needles for this project. I'm working way above gauge because I like the soft spongy looseness that this yarn and this pair of needles creates.
November 13th, 2022: Whoops Crafties! I seem to have started this blog post a couple of weeks ago and forgot to continue it.
At this point, I am about 15 rows from completion and I've grafted in the other pocket. In total, this pattern will take 11 balls of Wool Ease Thick & Quick to complete. I'm pretty excited to cast off this long time project.
Due to some recent polling I've been doing among other things, I've decided not to release this pattern just yet. I want to record a tutorial for the paid pattern before I release it into the wild and for that, I need to wait until I go on Winter Break to start that process.
My big hope is that I'll be able to hype up this pattern enough for a successful launch later on (probably in 2023). Anyhoo, I'll keep you all updated on when this knitting pattern will drop.
Look forward to more w.i.p blogs in the future because I have a few projects that need some love right now.
Til next time,
Happy Making!