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Writer's pictureInfiniti

The Upload Schedule Resumes!

You read that right Crafties! I've finally come out of hibernation and started uploading video tutorials again. One pivotal thing that I've done this go around is to fill in my little calendar so that I can stay on track but, I also think this will bring some consistency back to the table.

I've been blessed to grow such an amazing community and I want to continue to engage you all with equally amazing content. I sat up late on Saturday and mapped out what I wanted my upload schedule to look like in 2023.

This is something that I used to do back in the day but, after 2020, I kept having to deal with this thing or that. Balancing taking digital classes with no breaks, and running the channel full time, and making sure the shop(s) where updated and stocked, and my general health, and, and, and. It was a lot and I made a more scarce schedule to reflect that but, the con was that I had a little too much room in my calendar so things kept getting shifted around or put off indefinitely. Did you know that I was scheduled to start making Tunisian Crochet videos again at the beginning of 2021?

Yeah. It didn't happen lol. I do still want to get back to that but, I'm thinking that'll come down the line much later in the year now. I currently have everything I want to publish mapped up until my June hiatus and a little bit after my 6 week "break". And I'm going to do my best to stick to it.

I will state that I fell a little behind this winter break with recording and what nots. I do have like 2 months worth of crochet tutorials recorded and edited, plus included in the new content I'm putting out, I'll be starting a new Sentro related video series. Two episodes of that are done too! Truth be told, those videos are my most popular to date and as I continue to push to make Infiniti Crafting Co. my full-time career, I want to explore what that content can do for the channel throughout this year.

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